[Blended] 5-day work from home - Hong Kong Influencer Marketer Part-timer



Job Type


Job Category


Work Model


Working Days

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

Work Time


Hourly Wage 11,000 (Won)


35 Jandari-ro 3an-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Job Description

- Hong Kong Influencer Search and Contact - Influencer Communication


- Those who can communicate in Korean and Cantonese - Those who can work 20 or 25 hours a week (5 days a week (Mon-Fri), 4-5 hours a day) - Those who reside in Korea and can work from home 5 days a week


- Those with influencer marketing experience - Those with a keen interest in beauty/cosmetics - Those who frequently use SNS


- Employment type: 1~3 month contract (extension possible) - Salary level: 11,000 won per hour - Working days: 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) - Working hours: Choose one of the following A. Mon-Fri / 10:00~16:00 (excluding lunch time 12:00~13:00) / 25 hours a week (5 hours a day) B. Mon-Fri / 10:00~15:00 (excluding lunch time 12:00~13:00) / 20 hours a week (4 hours a day) - Working type: Working from home 5 days a week Job & Culture Fit Interview - Interview with the job manager and the people team manager, lasting approximately 20 minutes. - Interviews are conducted face-to-face in the office building. - Address: 395-129 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul - Interview questions are structured as follows: Questions related to experience/skills to determine job competency Questions to confirm whether you can empathize with and adapt well to Blended's culture - You can also feel free to ask questions about Blended. - Dress code is free for the interview. Please do not hide your own individuality and style. - Interview results will be individually notified within 1 day at the earliest and within 2 weeks at the latest. (Based on business days)

Preferred Visas

Student Visa (D2,D4)

Job Seeking Visa (D10)

Residence (F2)

Overseas Korean (F4)

Permanent Residence (F5)

International Marriage (F6)



J. Information and Communication

Company Location

서울 마포구 잔다리로3안길 35

·You can apply jobs in the App or PC Web.